Specially adapted home
Powered wheelchair
Vauxhall Zafira with Autochair lift and hoist.
WIFE!  (Click for full story)
My Story
Some VERY special people
Friends (1.) (2.)
Southfield (1975)
Church Houseparty
Saturday 27th July (1.) (2.) (3.)
Some help regarding spinal injuries
My web-site is, and always will be, for those who have been unfortunate enough to experience a spinal injury and for their relatives, friends and colleagues who feel they would like to understand a little more.
However, sharing what has happened to me over the last 14 months may help you all understand that a spinal injury isn't necessarily 'THE END'
Let me explain ...
My e-mail: RCW@RoyWinsor.com
Sally's e-mail: SAW@RoyWinsor.com
Our e-mail: RoyandSally@RoyWinsor.com